The UK Driving Test now includes the option of the Forward Bay Parking manoeuvre. Whilst it is still recommended that we reverse into parking bays whenever possible, we may occasionally need to pull into a bay forwards, so it is good to practice this manoeuvre so we are able to do so safely.
From December 2017 the UK Driving Test will include the option of a new manoeuvre called 'Pull up on the right and reverse'. Whilst it is still recommended that we pull up on the left whenever possible, we may occasionally need to pull up on the other side of the road, so it is good to practice this manoeuvre so we are able to do so safely.
The UK Driving Test includes the option of the Reverse Bay Parking manoeuvre. We always recommend reversing into parking bays whenever possible, as the car is more manoeuverable and it is much safer to drive forwards out of the bay afterwards. In this video we'll show how to reverse bay park safely - with an overview of the manoeuvre from outside the car, and then a more detailed view from inside the car.
Most new drivers are taught to Reverse Bay Park with the 90° method for their test, but there is another way - the 45° method. In this video we'll show how to do the 45° reverse bay park safely - with an overview of the manoeuvre from outside the car, and then a more detailed view from inside the car. We also have a few tips for when you need to park between other vehicles, or what to do if it goes wrong.
Reverse Parallel Parking is a really useful skill for any driver, as it will often be needed in urban areas. In addition, the UK Driving Test includes the option of this manoeuvre, so it's worth taking the time to perfect our technique. In this video we'll show an overview from outside the car, a more detailed view from inside the car, and a few extra tips to help while you're learning.
Currently, 1 in 3 practical driving tests include the Emergency Stop routine - so this video will show you how this would work in a test, and what you should do to remain safe.